
Let it BEe
I recently pondered upon something I saw while having a traditional afternoon tea at a hotel with my husband; while waiting for our...

Use what you've got!
I was recently playing scrabble with my husband, Chase. In case you don’t know this game, the object when playing is to score points by...

Lentil Shepherd's Pie
This is my absolute favourite winter warmer, lentils are my main source of protein and I eat lentils of different kinds at least once...

Pumpkin Ginger Soup
A winter warmer for cold days. A Thai style soup I have at any time of the year since living in the UK and a must during winter months....

Yoga as a practice ~ Yoga as a state
" The mind can reach the state of Yoga through practice and detachment." The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, 1.12 As appears on The Heart of...

Your issues are in your tissues
THE FASCIANATING WORLD OF OUR CONNECTIVE TISSUE Your fascia is constantly remodeling you and it does so depending on the demands you put...

Make peace with yourSelf
Recently, my tortoise, Zen, saw himself in front of a mirror for the first time, and his reaction was priceless! He didn’t know that what...

An Artichoke's Heart
Have you ever bought artichoke hearts? I have, and I love them England is the first country where I've seen artichoke hearts ready to go...

Lessons I've learnt from my plants
Having a place to call hOMe for good has ignited my interest and love for plants and they have taught me a few things I trust to be...

I used to suffer from endometriosis, and here's what I've done to no longer suffer from it
Ever since I had my first moon cycle, I started to feel quite weakened by it and I knew it wasn't like the periods that my friends had,...

Family Tree ~ Our Inherited Baggage
During 2018, I realised that I was experiencing some conditions that were a call for attention so I started a search for answers and...

Where Buddhism and Yoga Philosophy Merge
"All paths lead to One" It is likely that we have all noticed the similarities in spiritual traditions in which the teachings are pretty...

Ever felt emotional during/after yoga? Then read this =)
I’ve been asked a few times if it’s normal to feel emotional or get teary during or after a (yin) yoga class... and an example I can give...