
Nature's Medicine
With the arrival of spring, I've noticed that many people are being affected my colds, allergies and different ailments. So, today I'm...

#Don't hate ~ #Meditate
I don't know about you, but I have been deeply feeling the heaviness of what's happening around the world. In spite of me not watching...

There's Deception in Perception
Once upon a time, there were six blind men who lived in a small village. One day one of the villagers mentioned that there was an...

It's not only obstacles we must transcend, but Ourselves
Have you ever gotten to a point in your life where you feel you've hit a wall, when things don't go your way and you feel that the...

How sharp is your Interoceptive Awareness?
I recently attended a workshop with the amazing Meghan Currie and it helped me feel myself from the inside as a new soul experiencing a...

Becoming Supernatural
A few weeks ago, I attended a workshop in London called Becoming Supernatural, led by Dr. Joe Dispenza. What was said in the workshop...

What Makes A True Yogi?
"A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and...

Ayurveda and what you should know about it
Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga; also called "The science of life", just like yoga, it was developed in India by sages and

Saucy Polenta & Veggie Bake
Vata season is here and I am feeling it ! Hence the need to eat even warmer, moist nourishing foods to keep us grounded through the...

7 Reminders For All Yoga Practitioners
There are things that we need to remind ourselves as often as we can, whether we are recently starting the practice of yoga or are...

Pasta al Pomodoro
When I was in Mexico during my yin yoga training, I prepared a simple pasta sauce and got really nice compliments on it. A few days ago,...

Chocolate Pudding
I Finally took the time to share with you the recipe I used to make the chocolate puddings for my workshops =) I know a few people...

Who are you doing yoga for?
This is such a simple question that all yoga practitioners could benefit from when feeling anxious or self-judgemental. When we ponder...