What does the word “bliss” mean to you?
What does the word “discipline” mean to you?

To me, bliss is a state of wholeness, freedom, harmony and equanimity that is prevalent regardless of what happens in a way that is free of judgement and resistance.
Bliss is different from being happy, since happiness is often dependant on external circumstances, while Bliss is something we choose internally in an accepting way by being present with what the present moment has to offer.
Discipline can sound authoritarian and regimental at times, however, I’ve come to realise that discipline is the cultivation of self-control and dedication. It is a great ally since it asks us to choose qualities, thoughts, words and actions that are in alignment with who we are or want to BEcome.
Discipline is being committed to something for a greater good; our health, our yoga practice (both on and off the mat) and the way we live our life. When we truly witness our habitual mental patterns, which cause either ease or dis-ease, we realise that in every moment of every day, we are choosing either of them, and only by being conscious of this, can we regain control.

The Bliss logo contains in it the symbol of OM/AUM which is mainly broken down on the left-hand side. Om is often depicted with a circle called "bindu" (which I replaced by a lotus flower instead) above the horizontal line called "turiya" (below the lotus).
This feels so relevant and needed to be heard right now! thank you for sharing 🤍